Webinar Alert: Discover Global Trademark Strategies! 🌟

October 10, 2023

We’re thrilled to announce that Amy Hsiao, an attorney at Eligon, is invited to speak at a live video webinar hosted by Thomson Reuters West LegalEdcenter. Joining her will be Tom Hadid, a seasoned trademark counsel at Amazon, known his extensive trademark expertise and global branding acumen. To ensure a seamlessly organized and timely event, we’re delighted to have Brita McDaniel, Eligon’s exceptional Operations Manager, as our moderator.

When Brita takes the reins, expect a super-organized and punctual event!

Together, they will navigate the captivating world of Global Trademark Strategies, offering invaluable insights and expertise. You won’t want to miss this enlightening opportunity! Here are the essential event details:

Date: 11/8/2023
Time: 2:00 PM EST
Duration: 1 Hour
Online format: Live

Click Here to Register

Panelists will discuss:

  • Top features unique to China and practical impacts on brands
  • Does WIPO make sense for use in China?
  • Is copyright registration important in China? How can it help my trademark strategies?
  • What is a Chinese character mark? Does my brand need one?
  • Transliteration v. translation: what works for my brand?
  • What are pitfalls to prosecuting trademarks in China/Asia?
  • Compare and contrast: In which regions does “generalization” work, and why might this strategy fail in China?
  • Key takeaways

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