USPTO’s China IP Road Show comes to Green Bay, WI

October 22, 2023

About the China IP Roadshow:

We’re excited to share that Amy Hsiao, a partner at Eligon, is invited to speak at an esteemed live seminar which is part of the China IP Roadshow hosted by the USPTO in Green Bay, Wisconsin. This webinar will focus on practical and effective strategies in safeguarding and enforcing intellectual property rights on behalf of American businesses in China and the U.S.

Amy will be sharing the stage with esteemed government experts, including Conrad Wong and Duncan Willson. Both are not only senior attorneys with the PTO, but have also served as U.S. IP Attachés in Guangzhou and Beijing, China, respectively. Tom Moga, a Detroit-based attorney specializing in international patents and patent strategies in China, will also be joining the discussions.

Moreover, the seminar will feature remarks from The Honorable Mike Gallagher (Member, U.S. House of Representatives, Eighth District), Dr. Kristen Raney (the President of Northeast Wisconsin Technical College), Koreen Grube (Director, U.S. Commercial Service, Milwaukee, Wisconsin), and numerous other government officials from various U.S. government divisions actively involved in China IP matters, ranging from enforcement and counterfeiting to broader international strategies. This is guaranteed to be an informative seminar that will ensure your understanding when it comes to safeguarding IP rights and branding strategies in China and the U.S.

Please find the registration details here, and we would be delighted if you could join us for this event!

Brand New Day

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