Speaking Engagement: Top Trademark Cases in China: How These Decisions Impact Your Business and Brands

August 7, 2017

See or hear Amy Hsiao’s recent speaking presentation at PLI:

The presentation focuses on landmark cases that answer the following questions:

  • What is one of a global brand’s greatest fears when doing business in China? And when this fear became a reality, what are the lessons learned? (New Balance; 2016)
  • What is the landmark case showing the Chinese court’s attitude against infringers – particularly against bad faith / online counterfeiters? (Uniqlo, fake Samsung cell phone case, and criminal trademark prosecution; 2016)
  • How does one protect the “look” of a product in China? (Rimowa; 2016)

View more details here:
Top Trademark Cases in China: How These Decisions Impact Your Business and Brands

Brand New Day

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