Guess who won

January 7, 2018

The real BMW car vs. BMW clothing? The real LIPTON tea vs. LIPTON refrigerator?

  • Cartier against a Chinese “CARTIER” brand selling ceramic tiles? (Cl. 14 jewelry vs. Cl.19)
  • Michelin against an infringer selling MICHELIN branded speakers? (Cl. 12 tire vs. Cl. 9)
  • BMW against a BMW clothing brand in China? (Cl. 12 car vs. Cl. 25 clothing)
  • Lipton against a Chinese “LIPTON” brand refrigerator maker (Cl. 30 tea vs. Cl. 11)

(Yes, I am in awe of infringer’s creativity)

Find out how to use WELL KNOWN TRADEMARK to fight infringement + get results.

I will be speaking in detail about China’s Well Known Trademark topic at 1PM EST 1/31/2018 with PLI. Click here to register and join us!

Brand New Day

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