Eligon Partner Amy Hsiao Invited to Speak at the 2023 Intellectual Property Law Spring Seminar

February 20, 2023

About the Seminar:

Eligon IP Partner Amy Hsiao has been invited to speak at the 2023 Intellectual Property Law Spring Seminar, hosted by the Institute of Continuing Legal Education. The seminar will explain to those interested in trademark and patent law on how to protect a brand’s image and products, which can be especially difficult when navigating within a complex global legal system. Hosting her own plenary session, Amy will use her expertise to discuss enforcement and anti-counterfeiting strategies in China, while also focusing on the major differences between Chinese and U.S. trademark systems.


The one-day event will be hosted on March 2, 2023, at the Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center in East Lansing, Michigan. The agenda for the event is below; all times provided are in Eastern Standard Time:

9:00 AM: Welcome and Introductions

  • Kimberly A. Berger, Miller Canfield PLC

9:10 AM: Protecting Brands in the Real World

  • Karl P. Kammel, Michigan State University College of Law

10:20 AM: Using the Unitary Patent System

  • David Brophy, FRKelly

11:20 AM: Dangerous Fakes: Enforcement and Anti-Counterfeiting Strategies in China

  • Amy Hsiao, Eligon IP

1:35 PM (Patent): Patent Reform Legislative Proposals: Congress Tackles Section 101 and Beyond

  • Chris Katopis, American Bar Association

1:35 PM (Trademark): Protecting Brands and Managing the Metaverse

  • Vivek Jayaram, Jayaram Law

3:05 PM: What In-House Lawyers Want Outside Counsel to Know and Vice Versa

  • Stuart Atwater, Atwater Law & Intellectual Property PLLC
  • Lora Graentzdoerffer, Masco Corporation
  • Peter J. Mattei, Tenneco Inc
  • David S. Willoughby, General Motors


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