China Eases Data Privacy Rules for Outbound Data Transfers

April 4, 2024

Exciting news! China just made things easier for companies wanting or needing to move data out of the country. The new rules, which began on March 22, 2024, mean less hassle for big businesses when they want to transfer data. Instead of going through the previously required security assessment, businesses can now use standard contracts or get a data protection certificate. This process is also simpler with new online options.

Further, these rules clear up previously confusing policies and make exceptions for certain situations. For example, data collected from international trade or for emergencies, doesn’t need the same level of verification. The rules also make it easier for companies that aren’t big data operators to transfer data. Additionally, if a company is moving fewer than 100,000 records of people’s data, and it’s not sensitive or important, it’s exempt from some of the rules. These changes suggest China’s commitment to streamlining operations for international companies, although their actual implementation remains to be seen.

If you have more questions about these new rules, email us at

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