永新知识产权美国业务战略顾问、Eligon IP律师事务所合伙人萧惠文(Amy Hsiao) 律师被美国商务部长任命为美国专利商标局商标公共顾问委员会(T
Amy Hsiao, Trademark Public Advisory Committee Members Biographical Information, USPTO
永新知识产权美国业务战略顾问、Eligon IP律师事务所合伙人萧惠文(Amy Hsiao) 律师被美国商务部长任命为美国专利商标局商标公共顾问委员会(T
Amy Hsiao, Trademark Public Advisory Committee Members Biographical Information, USPTO
我們正在尋找一位傑出的商標律師/助理,具有才華、積極進取、注重自我成長,最重要的是對工作產出充滿自豪感。我們誠邀您探索以下職位,並提交您的履歷申請加入我們的團隊! 工作職責: 處理商標申請的各個方面,包括準備和提交美國和世界智慧財產權組織商標申請(電子提交),跟進至註冊。...
Exciting news! China just made things easier for companies wanting or needing to move data out of the country. The new rules, which began on March...
Eligon is excited to share that Amy Hsiao, Partner and CEO based in the firm’s Atlanta office, will be speaking at the upcoming China IP Road Show...