8 Tips on Protecting a Brand Internationally

April 19, 2018

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Bernie Thompson, one of the most successful #Amazon sellers, at the Seller Velocity platform.

I want to write a special shoutout to Bernie on his exceptional moderating skills. Most of the time our attention is on the speaker, not the moderator. A lot of the programs therefore have “unusual” moderators where they strive to promote themselves rather than guide the conversation. Bernie is one of the most impressive moderators I’ve ever encountered – he’s thoughtful; he actually listens; and then takes the time to organize and summarize the speakers’ thoughts to make it meaningful and easy to understand for the attendees. He asked practical questions that businesses do encounter everyday and guided the discussion in a logical manner and make the conversation flow well, and the feedback relate-able. Moderators play a key part to make a program a HUGE success!

Brand New Day

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