Why China Is The Most Litigious IP Society In The World?

December 11, 2018

Here are the numbers comparing litigation cases filed in China vs. in the US (2014):

  • For patent cases, 9648 litigations were filed in China in 2014, compared to 6185 in the USA. China is roughly 2 times of USA
  • For trademark cases, 21362 litigations were filed in China in 2014, compared to 3201 in the USA. China is roughly 7 times of USA.
  • For copyright cases, 59493 litigations were filed in China in 2014, compared to 3796 in the USA. China is roughly 16 times of USA
  • Surprisingly, foreign related cases were roughly 26% of the overall cases.
  • The 2017 statistics are not yet entirely available.

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