Think Chinese Courts Don’t Award Punitive Damages? Think Again!

January 7, 2025

In 2023, the number of cases with punitive damages awarded by Beijing courts skyrocketed by 150% year-on-year from January to September. Check out the graph below to see this exciting trend in action—punitive damages are becoming the norm!

This is a game changer. Historically, filing a trademark infringement lawsuit in China wasn’t worth the effort. Damage awards were so low they barely covered attorney fees, even in slam-dunk cases of clear infringement.

But now, with courts increasingly siding with plaintiffs and awarding jaw-dropping punitive damages, things are shifting fast. This trend not only encourages more litigation to protect IP but also sends a strong message to bad-faith filers and trademark trolls.

The bottom line? It’s a new era for brand owners in China. If you’re dealing with bad faith applications or blackmail attempts, the courts are finally on your side!

Reach out to Eligon attorneys to find out how to request punitive damages in your lawsuit!

Brand New Day

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