Revealing Key Insights: China’s 2022 Trademark Statistics and Their Implications

July 5, 2023

Get ready for a captivating journey into the realm of trademark statistics in China! Here are the latest figures for 2022 China’s Trademark Statistics and their significance:

  • 57% – Opposition Action Winning Rate – not too impressive, probably because most examiners at this stage are relatively junior in experience and lean towards maintaining the status quo rather than taking bold decision, even in cases with strong evidence and compelling arguments.
  • 75% – Invalidation Action Winning Rate: Invalidation actions steal the spotlight with a remarkable 75% success rate. This indicates a growing preference for this method, particularly in combating bad faith marks. CNIPA’s renewed determination to crack down on such filings has played a pivotal role in this trend.
  • 52% – Publication Rate: Compared to 2021, the publication rate has dipped by 5%. In simpler terms, obtaining a trademark registration has become more challenging than in the previous year. Will be harder and harder especially when CNIPA resorts more to Article 4(1) in denying legitimate defensive filings.
  • 34% – Refusal Review Action Winning Rate: Overcoming decisions made by CNIPA remains an arduous task, with a success rate of 34%. In other words, CNIPA decisions remain in most appeal cases.

But that’s not all! Delve into the realm of timeframes:

  • 4 Months: Experience an incredible improvement as the average examination time frame shortens to just four months. This enhancement allows brand owners to receive decisions faster, enabling them to shape their sourcing and retailing business strategies accordingly.
  • 7 Months: Witness a significant reduction in the average time it takes for a trademark application to mature to registration (previous time frame: 10 to 16 months).

All of these insights are sourced from the China National Intellectual Property Administration’s 2022 Annual Report, released on June 5, 2023.

Uncover the profound implications of these statistics and gain a competitive edge in navigating China’s trademark landscape.

Brand New Day

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