Live Program/Webcast – China Trademark Infringement and Enforcement (Thurs., Jan. 16; New York)

January 6, 2020

In 2019 China announced a series of amendments to the Trademark Law significantly impacting brands doing business in China.  The changes range from resolutions combatting bad faith trademark squatters (and their agents) to increasing damages awards for trademark infringement.  Despite these seemingly positive developments, we’ve also observed courts across China, from the high court in Shanghai all the way to the Supreme People’s Court, issuing rulings which potentially may have a detrimental effect on brands.  The danger in China is not knowing what one doesn’t know.  A smart move in the market may create instant success while a wrong move in the dark may jeopardize the entire enterprise, and inadvertently make one an infringer of its own brand!

We will review these developments and address other vital questions in our Enforcement
Update in China:

  • An overview of the government agencies involved in protecting and enforcing intellectual property rights.
  • What is enforcement in China like?
  • How to start enforcement in China?
  • What are the key changes and amendments in 2019 that impact anticounterfeiting strategies?
  • What is one key system difference in China that influences anticounterfeiting strategies?
  • What are the trends in China/Asia, and impact of the trade dispute between the US and China?

After our presentations, we will engage in a live question and answer session with participants so we can directly answer your questions about these important issues.

Click here for Program Details

If you can’t attend in-person, we have webinars also!

We hope you’ll join us.

Brand New Day

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