How to protect the product look in China (USPTO webinar)

July 17, 2020

Eligon Partner Amy Hsiao invited to speak at the USPTO’s China IP Webinar

Eligon partner Amy Hsiao is speaking at a highly-anticipated #USPTO webinar.  The webinar focuses on helping businesses better understand how to protect product design and configuration — that is, the appearance of products — in China.  This is a particularly challenging problem because China lacks a trade dress statute similar to those in Western jurisdictions.  As a result, businesses often find themselves legally handcuffed when the unique look of their product is being copied, as owners cannot sue infringers under traditional theories of infringement.  Amy’s talk will focus on creative strategies extending existing remedies such as 3D trademark, copyright, Anti-Unfair Competition Law, and recent China Supreme Court cases to protect the product packaging, shape and design… such as the famous Dior J’Adore perfume bottle (which can be seen on Dior’s China website).

Date: Thursday July 23, 2020 (10:30AM – 12:30 PM ESET)

Click Here for USPTO Webinar Registration and more details

We hope you can join us.

Brand New Day

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