Eligon Parter Amy Hsiao Quoted by World Trademark Review

February 24, 2023

Ever wonder when the day may come when you will attend a virtual concert as an avatar in the metaverse? Gaining momentum after the pandemic, what may have once been thought of as a ludicrous idea is actively becoming a future reality.

Amy Hsiao, one of our Eligon partners, was quoted in the World Trademark Review regarding the current status of metaverse trademark filings around the world. Given that the metaverse poses an upcoming renaissance to how the world will utilize technology, trademark office rejection rates have been high – especially in China. While the rejection rate is still high at around eighty percent, Amy noted it’s nice to see the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) finally start to relax its stronghold on “standard” descriptions. Other trademark offices, including the Korean Intellectual Property Office, have already added new subclasses to capture this space. While new legal challenges may arise, we are excited to enter a new digital frontier, seeing more exciting changes and updates in this brand new space!

Brand New Day

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