A Gold Star for Eligon: Making Thomson Reuters Stand-out Lawyers List!

March 22, 2023

We are thrilled to share that our very own Eligon partner, Amy Hsiao, has been recognized on the esteemed Thomson Reuters Stand-out Lawyers list! This prestigious list is determined by over 2,000 senior in-house counsels at large organizations around the world who nominate lawyers they have worked with and who have stood out as exceptional. We are immensely grateful to our clients for taking the time to recognize our team.

What makes this recognition even more special is that it is a completely unsolicited endorsement of Amy and the all of our team’s hard work. It’s like getting a gold star from the coolest kids in school! We appreciate the recognition and will continue to work hard to exceed our clients’ expectations.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Amy and all the other lawyers who made the list. This is a true testament to their dedication, expertise, and exceptional service.


Brand New Day

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