Helping You Take Your Brand to the Next Level

Whether taking your established brand to a new place, or establishing a new brand, the path you choose and how you adapt strategically to the challenges will determine how quickly you reach the pinnacle — brand resonance with customers. Think of it like mountain climbing — to get to the summit, you need focus, strength, endurance, the ability to adapt, and above all, the right team to get you there.

That’s where we come in. At Eligon, our team of global intellectual property experts are with you from the start, to the top, and every step along the way. When it comes to launching, building or protecting brands, particularly in Asia, we’ve seen and done it all — we’ve got your back.

The Eligon team starts with a deep assessment of your brand, and we provide you with a clear-eyed view of the path forward. We chart a smart course and adapt strategies along the way. In rock climbing, it’s important to be ‘on belay’, to be safe at the end of a rope. This rope connects you to your climbing partner, to offer assurances on the next steps and to break a fall. At Eligon, we put our clients “on belay”. Sometimes the next step may seem impossible, but we are highly skilled belayers on this treacherous international trademark rock face. Even in the toughest terrain, we are the solid partner providing peace of mind.

Through it all, we team effectively with our international partners and you, work smart, integrate new thinking and innovations in IP protection, keep costs down, and stay focused on the final summit.

If you’re ready to advance your brand to the next level, Eligon is ready to take you there.

By the Numbers

A Few Facts

Trademark Matters Currently Under Management (August 2024)

Successful Enforcement Actions Worldwide

Victories for Client Brands in China Alone


Success Rate on eCommerce and Social Media Takedown in China


Founded by Female Attorneys

Case in Point

Case Studies


May 2021

A trademark infringement dispute started in 2014 between our client, a top US semiconductor company, and a politically connected local infringer in the Philippines. The case had been handled by one of the largest firms in the U.S. but had been stalled for 5+ years without results. The infringer was asking for $1M to stop using the infringing marks; the client had spent over $500K in legal fees with no clear meaningful progress nor clear path forward. The prior counsel advised the client to settle the case at the asking price: $1M. The client asked us to handle the dispute in 2020.


In fewer than 10 months, we not only reduced the settlement amount from $1M to $30K, we also obtained absolute surrender from the infringer for a fraction of the cost of litigation.


December 2020

An infringer in Indonesia stole an iconic US computer hardware/software brand by registering our owner’s exact trademark in 1981; in 2019-2020 the infringer became aggressive, threatening of police raid actions to disrupt our client’s global supply chain. To gain leverage, the infringer sought press coverage, resulting in significant negative news, which triggered panic in our client’s corporate office back in the U.S. and partners across the globe.

The client then asked us to assume responsibility for the matter. We took control of the case and pursued it to the Indonesia Supreme Court, as well as involving US compliance enforcement. The adverse party mobilized local police forces at regional and national levels, demanding a payout of $5M along with outrageous business terms or else.


We successfully settled the case with the infringer which includes assigning to the client all ~35 stolen marks in return for less than $100.

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